Inspired Creations Made With Glass Cullet

Colorful Glass Cullet

One of the benefits of glass is that it is 100 % recyclable. In the reclycling process, cullet refers to the broken pieces or crushed glass. It can be combined with other raw materials to manufacture new glass. Often used in construction, as a less expensive alternative to cement, it functions as a drainage medium, a base coat for roadways, or utility backfill.

Of course, hot glass artists also produce glass cullet. Those intensely colorful glass chunks, remnants from companies like Fenton Art Glass, as well as smaller hot glass studios, can be used as free standing art pieces or in a range of creative projects.

Large pieces, elusive and generally quite expensive, are used as focal points in landscaping, large aquariums, and home decor. Small & medium pieces, found treasures or purchased on-line, can be used in a variety of creative ways. Here are just a few:

Textured Art

Glass Art Hydrangeas

Stephanie of ModbyStephanie on ETSY, creates original textured art pieces, including the hydrangengeas pictured here. While not specific to Stephanie’s process, the use of crushed glass cullet can be used in mixed media pieces. We see crushed glass applied to wood, canvas, and glass, among other substrates.

You can see more of Stephanie’s creations at:

Wired Suncatchers

Clear cullet is ideal for suncatchers. Maggie of ShiniesbyMaggie on ETSY, turns glass cullet into original garden art. With a combination of upcycled and new materials, she creates these brilliant suncatchers.

Shinies by Maggie specializes in handcrafted suncatchers & garden ornaments in fun, custom designs. You can see more of her work here:

Wired Pendants

Allie C of AllieandAtom on ETSY began finding glass slag in the riverbed near her home. She uses it, along with other found treasures, to create these one-of-a kind pendants. You can find more of her work here:

Mosaic Cow Skulls

Mosaic Cow Skull

This mosaic cow skull was created by the author with a range of tessera including a starfish, wired pearls, sea glass, corks, and glass cullet.

Many artists and art consumers are drawn to processes and completed works which upcycle previously used materials. Glass cullet is a vibrant and versatile artistic medium which fits the bill. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to create your own art with glass cullet, or visit one of these shops on ETSY and support a “local” artist.